Automated Presentation of directory src/exampleCode/GLX/

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README file from "GLX" directory

  Explanation of the contents of toolbox/src/exampleCode/GLX mixed model dir

    This subtree contains source code for mixed model demos:

             `!' indicates new or updated as of version 4.2

    DBglxwidgetOpenGL:  Xt/Motif widget for GL/OpenGL rendering. Switchable
                 between single and double buffering. 

    DBglxwidget: A double-buffered overlay program.  includes a double-
                 buffered implementation of the glxwidget found in 
                 ~4Dgifts/examples/GLX/glxwidget/widget.  this program is 
                 based on the ~4Dgifts/examples/grafix/overlay_cursor.c 

    basics     : a collection of basic Motif-based Mixed Model programs.

    buffer     : Contains 2 programs (one GL-Xlib and one GL-Motif) 
                 demonstrating switching between single and double -buffer 
                 mode.  This is useful technique for bitplane-limited
                 machines like Indigo starter or the 8-bit Personal IRIS.

    cutNpaste  : Contains a mixed model program that displays a molecule,
                 and illustrates the use of the Motif Clipboard for doing
                 cut and paste between applications.

    dials+buttons: Contains a GL-Xlib mixed model imitation of the Dial & 
                   Button Box Confidence Test which lives in the "System" 

    dualhead   : illustrates the basics of writing code that can take 
		 advantage of multiple screens. 

    littleRedCap:  An interference checking and capping demo

    rubberband : motif demo implementing a rubber band.

    tablet     : Contains a GL-Xlib mixed model "line drawing" tablet demo.

 !  texvol     : performs volume rendering using 2d or 3d textures.

    Be sure to also consult the ~4Dgifts/examples/GLX subtree for other
    mixed model examples:  "gl-Xlib" houses unadulterated "stone knives and 
    bearskins" GL-Xlib examples, and "glxwidget" is a subtree containing 
    source for the GlxDraw and GlxMDraw widget (draws GL inside of an 
    Xt-based program), as well as demos implementing these widgets in a
    Motif and Athena widget context.

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/GLX" directory




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